Getting Social Security With Osteoarthritis If The Court Argues Sedentary Work May Be Possible

13 May 2017
 Categories: Law, Blog


People with osteoarthritis in their hands are going to slowly lose flexibility and strength in their fingers. Thankfully, social security benefits can help when it becomes impossible for them to work. However, when the system tries to block these claims because they believe sedentary work is possible, it is important to know how to argue against these claims.

Symptoms This Problem Is Occurring

The first thing that needs to be assessed is whether or not osteoarthritis is affecting a person. In this way, it is easier to argue a claim and successfully get benefits. Typical symptoms of this problem include stiffness in the finger joints that refuses to go away, cracking or clicking in the joint, and swelling. However, there may also be growths along the edge of the joints.

These growths are very painful on the joints and can seem nearly impossible to manage. They will make it very difficult for someone to work and will gradually make it impossible for them to work. However, a judge or a social security specialist may argue that sedentary work is a possibility and may try to deny benefits.

What Is Sedentary Work?

Sedentary work is defined as any work that doesn't involve lifting more than 10 pounds at once. Sedentary is a somewhat misleading job title, though, as people with this type of job may have to get up and walk. When someone with osteoarthritis in the fingers works a sedentary job, they are likely stressing their fingers out a lot less than they would be with rougher work.

That's why social security officials will often try to deny benefits. They may believe that a person with this condition can still do sedentary work. As a result, they may require proving that sedentary work is impossible and that benefits are needed.

Proving Sedentary Work Is Impossible

Anyone who wants to get social security because of osteoarthritis in their fingers needs to prove that sedentary work is impossible. As most sedentary work is fairly easy to handle, this can be a challenge. However, it is possible if they can prove that they are unable to lift up to 10 pounds due to the pain in their fingers. At this point, sedentary work is likely impossible.

For example, take into account a secretary who has to type all day. The arthritis in their fingers will make it nearly impossible for them to type. It may cause such complications that they would be unable to lift 10 pounds. In circumstances like this, social security is likely to be granted as a way of providing that person with a source of funds.

Though it can be a long battle, fighting for social security disability funds can be ultimately rewarding. It will likely require a skilled attorney who can help the plaintiff fight for their rights and get the money they need to be happy and healthy.