Your local police department likely helps to save lives every week, but there may be circumstances in which you believe that the department's actions led to the death of a loved one. The situation can be overt — for example, a police officer fatally shooting one of the members of your family. However, there can be many other scenarios in which you believe that the police department had a role in the death of the victim.
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If you're attending college in the United States on an F-1 non-immigrant visa and find the person you would like to marry, you have several steps to take to make sure you continue in your legal status and avoid deportation. There are a few things you will need to do before and after the wedding that will make the immigration process much simpler for you.
Get all needed documents.
Because F-1 visas are non-immigrant visas, once you get married you are no longer a non-immigrant.
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If you have been arrested or believe you may be arrested for a crime, getting a criminal defense lawyer is your first and best strategy in defending yourself. Criminal defense lawyers have the knowledge and experience to help you through this stressful ordeal. Check out these five ways a criminal defense lawyer can help you.
They Protect Your Rights
When you are questioned by the police or arrested, what are your rights?
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